Web Design Course:

Learn To Design A Landing Page In 3 Days

For Only 3 Dollars

Introduction To The Course

Welcome to the course! Thank you so much for joining! Here’s an introduction of the contents. 

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

Day 1: Setup

How And Where To Buy Domain & Hosting

Click on this link to buy hosting & domain (affiliate links)

HOSTINGER: https://www.hostg.xyz/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff_id=86494 

JIMAT HOSTING: https://secure.jimathosting.com/aff.php?aff=504  

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

How To Install WordPress & Necessary Plugins to Install on WordPress​

Plugins to Install:

Orbit Fox

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

How to Install WordPress Theme and Installing Starter Sites​

Hey! Neve Theme is just one of them. Astra is also an incredibly great theme as well!

I tried Astra only after I made this video, if I am to do it again I would definitely recommend Astra Theme. 

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

Day 2: Designing The Header & Footer

How To Edit Basic Settings of the Website, Font & How to Create Color Palette​

Link: Coolors.co

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

How To Customize The Header​

HTML Code Snippet I used for the header (copy and paste):

<div class=”desktop”><p style=”text-align: right”>
<span style=”font-family: Calibri, sans-serif”><img src=”http://go.suave-designs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/pngfind.com-white-png-icons-5577850.png” style=”width: 20px”> inquiries@hnh.com |<img src=”http://go.suave-designs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/phone.png” style=”width: 17px”>   Free Consultation: </span><span><a href=”tel:55555556666″ rel=”noopener noreferrer” target=”_blank”><span style=”font-family: Calibri, sans-serif”><strong>555 5555 6666</strong></span></a></span></p></div>

<div class=”mobile”><p style=”text-align: right”>
<span style=”font-family: Calibri, sans-serif”><img src=”http://go.suave-designs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/phone.png” style=”width: 17px”>   Free Consultation: </span><span><a href=”tel:55555556666″ rel=”noopener noreferrer” target=”_blank”><span style=”font-family: Calibri, sans-serif”><strong>555 5555 6666</strong></span></a></span></p></div>

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

How To Customize the Footer​

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

Day 3: Desining The Page

Elements of a Converting Landing Page​

Watch Andrew Stickel’s video on the perfect landing page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08noFhpDzBc

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

How to Remove the Background of an Image​

Save time having to remove the background! I can do it for you and deliver on the same day. Contact me at admin@suave-designs.com

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

Designing the Main Banner of Your Landing Page​

Download the template here: http://suave-designs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/law-firm-website-banner.json 

Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

Designing The Rest Of The Landing Page​

Download the profile template here: 


Psst… if I talk too slow increase the speed of the video by going to settings > playback speed.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! Contact me directly at admin@suave-designs.com.

Thank You For Making It To The End!

But, of course, I’m not going to leave you here just like that.

Specially for you, get a free consultation with me (on anything related to digital marketing)